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Python 2 To 3

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The Python programming language is almost finished with a long-term transitionfrom version 2 to version 3. New programmers often have questions about whichversion they should learn. It can be confusing to hear that Python 3, which wasoriginally released in 2008, is still not the default installation on someoperating systems such as macOS. However, that situation is rapidly changingas the final version 2 release, Python 2.7, is approaching its end-of-lifethat is definitively scheduled forJanuary 1, 2020.

Jupyter was originally developed for Python, but it now supports kernels for many languages. With multiple kernels installed, you will be given a choice to launch notebooks using any of those languages. Thus, Notebook becomes even more useful with both Python 2 and 3 installed (keep in mind Python 3 is current, 2 is legacy). Python 2.3 Python 2.3 Note: See Python 2.3.5 for a patch release release which supersedes earlier releases of 2.3. Important: This release is vulnerable to the problem described in security advisory PSF-2006-001 'Buffer overrun in repr of unicode strings in wide unicode builds (UCS-4)'. This fix is included in Python 2.4.4 and Python 2.5.If you need to remain with Python 2.3, there's a patch.


The simple answer right now is: learn Python 3, specifically the latestversion which as of October 2019 isPython 3.7. If for some reason youabsolutely have to learn Python 2, for example because your employer isworking on a bunch of legacy code, you will be able to transfer the majorityof your knowledge from Python 2 right into Python 3. Likewise, you willstill be able to read and write Python 2 code if you start with Python 3.

There are enough great resourcesout there that will teach you to code in version 3 without any priorversion 2 experience. Python 3 is the future and you will not regretstarting with the latest version of theprogramming language.

There is one small caveat to the recommendation to go full-on Python 3.You may infrequently come across lesser-used open source code librariesthat were originally written in Python 2 that do not completely supportPython 3. That was the case before 2019 with DevOpsconfiguration management tools such asFabric or Ansible. However,those libraries now support Python 3 and the usage problems that werefrequent in years past are now typically not a concern. Knowing howto upgrade Python 2 libraries to 3.x is still a useful skill to applyat the edges of the Python open source community.

Python 2 To 3 Converter

Visualizations and Projects

Since upgrading from Python 2 to 3 has been such a huge undertaking withinthe community, many projects have sprung up to make the transition easier. Bundle for wedding 1 1.

  • six is a 2/3 compatibility library thatis a dependency for many popular Python projects to make it easier tosupport both Python 2 and 3 at the same time.

  • Python 3 Readiness is a visualization ofwhich most popular 360 libraries (by downloads) are ready to beused with Python 3.

  • The Python clock counts down the time untilPython 2.x is no longer maintained. While Python 2's retirementmay still seem a long time away, it can take a lot of time and effort tomigrate existing application to the modified syntax in 3.x.

Porting to Python 3 resources

Moving an existing codebase to Python 3 from 2 can be a daunting task,These resources were created by fellow developers who've previouslygone through the process and have advice for making it less painful.

How To Upgrade Python 2 To 3


The simple answer right now is: learn Python 3, specifically the latestversion which as of October 2019 isPython 3.7. If for some reason youabsolutely have to learn Python 2, for example because your employer isworking on a bunch of legacy code, you will be able to transfer the majorityof your knowledge from Python 2 right into Python 3. Likewise, you willstill be able to read and write Python 2 code if you start with Python 3.

There are enough great resourcesout there that will teach you to code in version 3 without any priorversion 2 experience. Python 3 is the future and you will not regretstarting with the latest version of theprogramming language.

There is one small caveat to the recommendation to go full-on Python 3.You may infrequently come across lesser-used open source code librariesthat were originally written in Python 2 that do not completely supportPython 3. That was the case before 2019 with DevOpsconfiguration management tools such asFabric or Ansible. However,those libraries now support Python 3 and the usage problems that werefrequent in years past are now typically not a concern. Knowing howto upgrade Python 2 libraries to 3.x is still a useful skill to applyat the edges of the Python open source community.

Python 2 To 3 Converter

Visualizations and Projects

Since upgrading from Python 2 to 3 has been such a huge undertaking withinthe community, many projects have sprung up to make the transition easier. Bundle for wedding 1 1.

  • six is a 2/3 compatibility library thatis a dependency for many popular Python projects to make it easier tosupport both Python 2 and 3 at the same time.

  • Python 3 Readiness is a visualization ofwhich most popular 360 libraries (by downloads) are ready to beused with Python 3.

  • The Python clock counts down the time untilPython 2.x is no longer maintained. While Python 2's retirementmay still seem a long time away, it can take a lot of time and effort tomigrate existing application to the modified syntax in 3.x.

Porting to Python 3 resources

Moving an existing codebase to Python 3 from 2 can be a daunting task,These resources were created by fellow developers who've previouslygone through the process and have advice for making it less painful.

How To Upgrade Python 2 To 3

  • Python 3 Porting is an entire book withdetails for how to upgrade your existing projects and libraries toPython 3.x.

  • Moving from Python 2 to Python 3is a PDF cheatsheet for porting your Python code.

  • The officialporting code to Python 3page links to resources on porting Python code as well as underlying Cimplementations. There is also aquick reference for writting code with Python 2 and 3 compatibility.

  • Upgrading to Python 3 with Zero Downtimesupplies advice on transitioning a large existing Python 2 web applicationto Python 3. Their process involved upgrading dependencies, testing anddeploying the new version before going back to clean up unnecessary codecreated by the transition.

  • Migrating to Python 3 with pleasureis a porting guide that focuses on code that data scientists wouldtypically use in their programs.

  • Instagram Makes a Smooth Move to Python 3explains their upgrade process for getting all of their code over toPython 3 compatibility over a period of about a year.

  • Downie 2 8 5 download free. Practical steps for moving to Python 3is a podcast episode that goes over migrating a large existing application'scodebase to Python 3 from Python 2.

  • Lessons learned from migrating to Python 3covers how a development team with a large e-commerce site built onDjango was able to upgrade their project.

Python 2 to 3 resources

The following resources will give you more context on how the communityfeels the transition from Python 2 to 3 is going, as well as why youshould upgrade as soon as possible.

Python 2 To 3 Converter Online

  • Why should I use Python 3?is a detailed FAQ on important topics such as unicode support, iterationimprovements and async upgrades provided by 3.x. There is also a greatfollow up post by the author titledA Rebuttal For Python 3that counters some arguments made by other community members who areunhappy about various features in Python 3.

  • Want to know all of the advantages and what's changed in Python 3compared to Python 2? There'san official guide to Python 3 changesyou'll want to read.

  • Python 3 is winningpresents data and graphs from PyPI to show that at the current rate,by mid-2016 overall Python 3 library support will overtake Python 2support.

  • Python 3 Retrospective from the Benevolent Dictator for Life is a talk by Guido van Rossum on what is working, not working and stillneeds to be done before the changover can be considered complete.

  • The stages of the Python 3 transitionprovides perspective from a core Python developer on how the transition fromPython 2 to 3 is going as of the end of 2015.

  • How Dropbox rolled out one of the largest Python 3 migrations everexplains how their transition began in 2015 and was successfully completedin 2018. There is also a follow up post onincrementally migrating over one million lines of code from Python 2 to Python 3that has more details on how hack weeks were able to help make enoughprogress so the engineers could better estimate the scope of work whenthe transition from 2 to 3 became critical to their development toolchain.

  • Zato: A successful Python 3 migration storyexamines the background, preparation, execution and testing of movingan existing Python 2 code base over to Python 3.

  • Why Python 3? randomly outputs valid reasons touse Python 3 over 2.x.

  • Rules for Radicals: Changing the Culture of Python at Facebookis a fascinating look at how Facebook moved from primarily Python 2up to Python 3 due to the efforts of a small passionate group ofdevelopers within the company. Definitely worth watching to understandhow to shift a large organization with an established codebase.

  • Porting to Python 3 is like eating your vegetablesexplains that there are treats in Python 3 that are worth porting for andhas some tips on making the transition easier.

  • Scrapy on the road to Python 3 supportexplains from the perspective of a widely used Python project what theirplan is for supporting Python 3 and why it has taken so long to make ithappen.

  • All major scientific Python libraries havepledged to drop Python 2 supportno later than 2020, when Python 2's maintenance life is over. The pledgestrongly encourages Python 3 adoption by publicly stating theirintentions.

  • 10 awesome features of Python that you can't use because you refuse to upgrade to Python 3is a great slideshow with code snippets that show useful new featuresof Python 3 that are not available in 2.x such as keyword-onlyarguments, chained exceptions and the yield from keyword.

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Python 2 To 3 Migration

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Python 2 To 3 Migration

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